Nevermore Carbon comes in vacuum sealed bags sized perfectly made for use with Nevermore Micro filters!
Project: Nevermore Micro
Producer: Linneo
One bag supplies carbon for 7X V5 Duo Cartridge Swaps, 6X Duo XL Cartridge Swaps, or at least 12x V4 cartridge swaps. With a cartridge lasting between 50 hrs and one month, this would allow for up to 6 months of use per bag.
A smaller bag size allows you to not expose any unused bags to surrounding air until they’re ready for use, and vacuum packaging makes knowing that the bag of carbon maintains its seal easy! Always store activated carbon sealed off from the environment, as this can deplete the carbon in as little as 1-2 months! Activated carbon has an expiry date!
Nevermore Carbon also comes de-dusted. The specified hardness of the pellets combined with the vacuum packaging process further limits dust generation from shipping & transit. This should allow you to use your Nevermore Carbon instantly, without cumbersome dedusting! As easy as using 3D printer carbon should be!
· CTC(wt.%): 80
· Surface area(m2/g): 1250
· Density: 420g/L
· Ball pan hardness: >98
· Benzene adsorption(wt.%): up to 48