[EOL] Afterburner Toolhead Board (rev3.2)


Hartk's PCB for AfterBurner Toolhead (rev3.2)
Documentation: https://github.com/hartk1213

There are not enough products in stock

This board was designed to make wiring the toolhead a bit easier, to help get rid of some of the crimps needs on these wires. Since this board has provisions for the X end-stop, this should be compatible with V1, V2, and SwitchWire

Board includes:
· BAT85 Diode for abl probe
· Indicator LED to show when hot-end is on
· 2/3/4 pin headers for most components on the toolhead
· 2 Pin MicroFit 3.0 for the heater
· 0805 pkg thermistor to be used as a chamber temperature
· 14 Pin MicroFit 3.0 for the main connector back to the MCU
· 2 plastic washers for attachment
